Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Aunt Flo Brownies


Okay, some people might not understand this name, but it's funny to me.

We all get cravings.  This is everything I get cravings for all in one (mostly).

I personally love Dark Chocolate, so those are mine, the other for a BonBon GF.  Follow the directions for your Brownie mix, or make your own.  (I am happy with Betty :D)

In addition to Dark Chocolate, I also crave Caramel.....ummmm, gooey goodness.  I also crave


So, I mixed up my Brownie batter and put it into my greased pan, added my Caramel Bits and cut up Reese's.

What do we end up with 30 minutes later?  Yummy, gooey Brownie GOODNESS!

Great for any day of the month, really ;-)



  1. I love this idea! I'm pretty sure my husband would just roll his eyes at me and think "she's gonna eat that whole pan then whine about being fat" LOL but I'd for sure share half the pan. Not only for my wasit line, but for a chance to share the recipe as well :) Thank You for sharing!!

  2. Reduce the time a little for the brownies and they will be fabulous! Thank you for writing, shel! :)
