Saturday, July 28, 2012

Creating A Picture Frame

I love playing with different materials.  My craftiness knows no bounds.  My BonBon friend, Amy ( )  had given me a bunch of fabric to play with.  I wanted to cover a wooden picture frame with some fabric, crochet a flower and put it on the frame.  Here is what I did....

I measured the fabric and cut it big enough to wrap around the frame, like wrapping a present.

Next, I painted Tacky glue on the frame.

I placed the frame in the center of the fabric 
 Added some weight to it and let it sit for a couple of hours.
 Then, using a razor blade, I cut the fabric as shown, folded and glued the fabric over the frame.
 I let the glue dry for a while, then folded the outside fabric over the frame and glued that down, covering the less appealing looking fabric.

 I nailed a sawtooth hanger in the center of the frame (first decide if it will be used for portrait or landscape, or add one for each direction).
 My idea wasn't done, yet, though!  I crochet, so of course I had to put my signature on the frame, rather than more wood or fabric.  I found a free pattern on a website for a flower I liked and sewed a button into the center.  (I found the buttons at Joann, having this project in mind.)  I then used more Tacky Glue to hold the flower onto the frame.
 Yes, in nature, there are few brown flowers, but with this great fabric any other color would not work as well.  Isn't it great?  I personally love it.  
 Finished!  I showed this to my husband last night and he convinced me to give this to my mom for her bedroom, the colors will match perfectly!   This entire project began because of the wording in the frame.  I wanted to showcase that in something I made for my own home, so it looks like I'll be making another frame!  (Oh, darn. :/ lol)
 Happy creating!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Roast & veggies cooked in red wine

Roast & veggies cooked in red wine and sweet cornbread! ymmm
Very easy rich , savory roast recipe.
Chuck roast
2 table spoon flour
can of petite cut tomatoes
Italian dry seasoning
brown gravy mix
red wine
I use Safflower oil , but any oil will do
- season roast with salt/pepper & Italian season
-sear roast in hot pan with oil on both side to seal in juices
-remove roast from pan put in slow cooker on high
-cut onion and throw in hot pan sprinkle in flour , cook 1to2 min
-deglaze pan with red wine (about a cup)
-add gravy mix, cup of water , & tomatoes
- cook about 2 min and pour over roast .
-chop veggies and add
- slow cook 4-6 hours

Corn bread - (heat oven 425)
2 cups corn mill
1cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup oil (safflower I use)
approx 2 cup milk ( more or less depending on how wet mix is)
pinch salt
Mix all together
put approx 2 tbl oil in Iron Skillet
heat oiled pan in oven 2 min
pour in mix
cook till golden brown on top.


Aunt Flo Brownies


Okay, some people might not understand this name, but it's funny to me.

We all get cravings.  This is everything I get cravings for all in one (mostly).

I personally love Dark Chocolate, so those are mine, the other for a BonBon GF.  Follow the directions for your Brownie mix, or make your own.  (I am happy with Betty :D)

In addition to Dark Chocolate, I also crave Caramel.....ummmm, gooey goodness.  I also crave


So, I mixed up my Brownie batter and put it into my greased pan, added my Caramel Bits and cut up Reese's.

What do we end up with 30 minutes later?  Yummy, gooey Brownie GOODNESS!

Great for any day of the month, really ;-)


Monday, July 16, 2012

It's Not ALL BonBons!

This is in response to the lame ass jokes that people make about stay at home moms.  Well, for starters, I have never been a stay at home mom.  There are trips to the grocery store, with your child(ren), trips to the doctor (with a screaming / sick / feverish / vomiting) child(ren) and the obligatory trips to see family and friends and have playdates so that your child is not completely socially inept.  I WORK.  I have always worked.  In between these trips, I clean, I cook, I take care of the dog.  I give baths, I do laundry and make sure my husband has a woman to hold at night.  I am my daughter's playmate, game opponent and cheerleader.  I have many JOBS.  We all work.  

With the recession going on, I started using my creativity and love for crocheting to earn money for the little things in life (food, clothes, gas).  I told my husband in my search for a 'real' job that if nobody would hire me  then I would create my own job.  It's been helping, that's for sure!  I love what I do, everything that I do to take care of my family I do out of love.

Now I am excited to be doing this, blogging and helping my other 'stay at home' mom friends, to create, together, a place to reach out to other BonBons and share the businesses we have created, the passion we have for what we do and for everyday tricks and help that we could all benefit from.  

We have to stick together!  I am fortunate to be a BonBon, it wasn't all by choice, I think of it as a blessing and am proud of seeing my daughter every day of her life.  Not everyone is as fortunate, this I know, and hopefully we can share something that will make your busy life a little easier or just share something that will make you laugh.  

Thank you for reading!
